Letter: Sharing a unique perspective on Measure L
I would like to introduce myself. I am Gary Gilbert the former Madera County/CalFire Fire Chief (seven years) and Madera County supervisor for District 5 (8 years, from 1999-2006), and a resident of Eastern Madera County for 31 years. I believe I have a unique perspective on Measure L.
Measure L is about the safety of our first responders, our families, and neighbors. Measure L is not about special projects or spending priorities of your elected officials that you may not agree with. Regardless of your personal concerns about Madera County fiscal priorities, let common sense prevail and give our first responders the resources they so desperately need to protect and make our communities safer.
To assist you in becoming a better-informed voter, please take the time to read the five pages in the ballot measure regarding the expenditure plan and six pages regarding the ordinance. Also please read the opposing views. The opposition views, in my opinion, are not factual and very misleading.
On March 7, 2017, you, the voter, can decide the future of the Madera County Fire Department and the level of public safety you want for you and your family. Please join me in voting YES on Measure L to protect our first responders and our lives and property.
— Gary Gilbert, North Fork