Auction planned to raise funds for scholarships
A group of former teachers plan to raise funds for local graduates with a live and silent auction at John Wells Youth Center, 701 East 5th St., on the morning of Feb. 1.
Retired Teachers of Madera County use money generated from the annual auction for scholarships given to seven Madera County high schools in June, according to Kathleen Yowell, communication chair for the California Retired Teachers Association’s Madera County - Division 79.
“Each (recipient) gets a $1,000,” said Yowell. “Hopefully they’ll be turning into teachers. So that’s why we give them the money.”
The auction will feature baked goods, gift baskets, plants, gift cards and more. Tickets will also be available for a June drawing to win one of five quilts made by Virginia McClaran. “Usually you never know who’s going to win that, but one retired teacher has won two times ... That’s quite unusual,” Yowell said.
Retired Teachers of Madera County will provide a luncheon during the event. Doors open to the public at 10 a.m. and the auctions start at 10:30 a.m. There is no charge to attend.
“If there’s a high school student who’s interested in applying for a scholarship, they can go to,” Yowell said. “The application would be on there. They can also call me. I’ll make sure they get one. The applications are due I think in February and they’re presented in June.”
The Madera County Division of the California Retired Teachers Association was formed in 1985 and has 330 active members.
For information, contact Yowell, 430-5083.