The want of a new beginning starts with the truth
“My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue: but in deed and in truth.” — 1 John: 3-18
I was surprised at the amount of people in one of the major bookstores while I was waiting for an appointment, and had a couple of hours to wait.
While in the store, I was amazed at the amount of books on different topics people were looking at. Each set of bookshelves was on a certain topic and it seemed to me that the people were about equal at each bookshelf. I looked at books on building houses, building furniture, laying brick and stone to build walls and how to repair all the appliances in my home.
Whatever one needed in the way of information, one could find it and the information was in full detail.
The information a person needs when starting a new project is always available when they take time to look for it. There have been many books written on every subject you could imagine, and they are all very helpful to those who are starting a new beginning in a field they are not familiar with.
The information one gets on the Internet can save a lot of time and effort when you need to beat a deadline. The big ball will start falling in a few hours and a lot of people are waiting for that event to start a new beginning of a year and a new beginning on a project in their life that they refer to as a New Year’s resolution.
A new opportunity that comes to mind is always the bright light that attracts one to set their intention to achieve. That may take some changing in plans, putting aside what you started last year in order to bring forth what is needed for the new opportunity. Without proper planning the new opportunity gets set aside to make room for a “newer” opportunity.
I was that kind of achiever until about 30 years ago. I learned it is okay to change your mind, but finish the project you start that involves others or a project that is for your own spiritual growth and happiness. You have to be true to yourself to feel free to start a new project that takes you down the road of peace and joy.
The Creative Intelligence of the Universe (God) is always satisfied with a decision one makes for happiness, because this happiness is food for the soul, which is at the center of our being. A new beginning for understanding happiness can bring joy when it has been given a place in a person’s consciousness.
There is no new beginning only a change in consciousness. The Creative Intelligence of the Universe (God) is always constant and goes to work whenever it is rightly called upon in faith and in knowing the action one takes is always for the highest and best good of one’s self and all others involved in the experience. We can read and talk about our feelings until we are exhausted, but if we don’t walk the talk and set the example of truth of who we are then there is no new beginning for us, only a recognition of what was already there. When you know you have found the truth of yourself, and you live that truth in your everyday life, then you start a true new beginning.
Every physical project, like building a house, has a beginning time and a finish time. There is no beginning time for your spiritual change because it has always been within the center of your being and the time has come when you have recognized it. Jesus referred to that as the “heaven within.” When you find the truth of yourself, then you start a new beginning. Everyone have a happy New Year.