Table Mountain gives turkeys to local charity

Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune Al Galvez, left, and Table Mountain Casino president Rob Goslin, right, hand turkeys to Madera Food Bank executive director Ryan WcWherter on Tuesday. Thirty turkeys were donated for the holidays by Table Mountain.
Churches and charities throughout Madera will be getting some extra help in feeding the needy this Thanksgiving, thanks to a casino’s donation.
The staff of the Madera County Food Bank received 30 frozen turkeys to add to their inventory, courtesy of Table Mountain Casino in Friant.
The donation arrived Tuesday morning.
“We were doing a little bit of research on some of the needs in the area,” said Table Mountain president and general manager Robert Goslin. “And the food bank, we realized, was in need of doing turkey and donation drives.”
The Madera County Food Bank, 225 S. Pine St., aims to provide sustenance to people of all ages, and has special programs for the elderly.
“My heart, since I’ve been here, is seniors, and trying to figure out what we can do for them,” said the food bank’s executive director, Ryan McWherter. “So we’ve developed two programs here in the last six years.”
On of these methods of assisting the elderly, according to McWherter, is a brown bag program, which provides recipients with fresh fruits, vegetables, breads, and pastries.
“It’s a wonderful operation,” Goslin said. “They really do a great job with servicing the community, and some of the programs that McWherter instituted seem to be very beneficial for some of the local communities.”
McWherter has said that the turkeys donated will be distributed to the Madera Rescue Mission, along with churches around Madera who are providing meals for Thanksgiving. According to Goslin, more turkeys would be donated to other organizations, including the Poverello House in Fresno, along with various Catholic charities.