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Allison O’Neal

The County Record Book Winner in poultry is 13-year-old freshman Allison O’Neal.

She has been in Dixieland 4-H since she was 9-years-old.

Allison has many projects, including; poultry, horses, goats, rabbits, dog as well as vet science, community service, and arts and crafts.

Allison is very enthusiastic and passionate about her poultry project. She has been raising and breeding Nankins for four years. Nankins are a true bantam breed and are listed as critical on the National Livestock Conservancy Endangered Species List.

Allison purchased her first pair of Nankins in a live auction and now has over 20 Nankins in her flock. Allison has exhibited her birds throughout the state at various shows and done very well.

This year, at the 43rd Annual National American Poultry Association Meet held in conjunction with the Pacific Poultry Breeders Show, Allison’s cock Stan won first place in his class, Best of Variety and Best of Breed. Allison also was second in the Judging Contest and fourth in the knowledge quiz and avian bowl.

She serves as a junior leader for the poultry project and is always excited to teach new members about her favorite project. Allison is serving as the vce president for Dixieland 4-H. Allison has held many officer positions and looks forward to serving the membership again this year.

Allison plans to be a TLAW next year and an All-Star the following year. Most recently at the Madera District Fair, Allison exhibited the Reserve Senior Champion Boer Doe, was named the Outstanding 4-H Floriculture Exhibitor and was on the first place High Livestock Judging team.

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