Alexis Fringer

For The Madera Tribune Beef judge Sierra Myers holds the silver tray and ribbon Alexis Fringer, right, won for her market steer at the Madera District Fair.
4-H has been a part of Alexis Fringer’s life since she can remember. Ever since she was a little girl in the barn, she always had an innate ability to connect with animals and have them respond to her; whether it was through a gentle touch or a calming voice.
Over the years, she has raised sheep, meat goats, and hogs. Two years ago she decided to try the beef project. She will be the first to tell anyone it is not a project to jump into without really thinking it through. It is lots of sweat, tears, emotions, early mornings, late nights and many hours of hard work.
Alexis has learned that all of those things pay off in the end. She has had the very fortunate opportunity to not only win back-to-back years of 4-H Champion Market Steer at Madera Fair, she also was overall Supreme Champion Market Steer for two years in a row.
For Alexis, the banners are a visual reminder of the accomplishments won in the show ring. But she realizes it’s the things she has learned, friendships she has made, and mentors who have helped her along her path of success, that she cherishes the most about the 4-H Youth Development Program. Without all of those things, Alexis would not be the person she is today.
If there is anyone Alexis would like to thank, it is her parents, Art and Laurie Fringer, and her sisters, Mikaela and Regan. She says that 4-H is a true family event. “It takes everyone to make it happen!” Alexis Fringer is a ninth year member of the Sierra Shadows 4-H club. She is president of her club. She participates in beef, floral design, and leadership projects. Alexis is 17-years-old and a senior at Minarets High School, where she is also active in the FFA.