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Baloney Creek to highlight gospel sing anniversary

For The Madera Tribune

The Baloney Creek band, from left, Ed Bell, mandolin; Charolette Allen, bass.


The Friday Night Gospel Sing will celebrate its 15th anniversary by playing host to the Baloney Creek Bluegrass and Christian Gospel Band at 6 p.m. Friday, April 14 at First Assembly of God Church at 22444 Avenue 18 1/2. Everyone is welcome; a love offering will be accepted.

The Baloney Creek Band has been together for 15 years, playing at churches up and down the Valley. Ed Bell is the manager. He also plays mandolin and sings vocals. He has played with different bands and also plays solo in assisted-living villages, memory-care facilities, and at parties. Charolette Allen plays bass and sings harmonies. She is the youngest member of the band, and attends college in Fresno.

Dalisay Johnson plays fiddle and rhythm guitar, sings, and is the band’s musical director of the band.

Johnson has won the California Old Time Fiddle Championship five times and is rated very high in the United States. She has played in the Kennedy Center and in Vienna.

Richard Rhyne plays lead guitar and has played with major bands over the years. He has a reputation for being one of the best guitarists in California.

The Friday Night Sing meets every Friday evening.

For information, call Ted Beck at 674-2650.


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