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Public hearing to name park

The Madera City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the naming of a yet-to-be-constructed one-half-acre park at the southwest intersection of Olive Avenue and Knox Streets.

The City was recently awarded approximately $1.9 million for the construction of the neighborhood park and during the Council meeting, it is anticipated that Council will:

• Hear recommendations for the naming of a new park

• Solicit community feedback on the proposed name(s)

• Formally adopt a name of the park after “ample notice of intent to select a park name, providing sufficient time” for individuals/groups to propose names has been provided

Those interested in submitting a recommendation for the naming of the park are invited to speak and/or submit a letter during or prior to the public hearing. Letters should clearly note the proposed name, the reasons for the recommendation, and contact information. Proposed names may include the park being named after any person, people, informal groups, or formally established organizations.

On Jan. 5, 2000, per Resolution No. 00-08, Council adopted a Park Naming Policy which may be found at:

The public hearing will be held at 6 p.m. on October 19, 2022, at the Council Chambers, located at 205 W. 4th Street.

The public may participate in person at the Council Chambers, via Zoom or phone (meeting link/number will be included in the Council agenda for the October 19 council meeting which will be posted by October 1, at, or by submitting comments via email to, or by mail to 205 W. 4th St., Madera, CA 93637. The hearing will be live-streamed at


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