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Leaf cleanup program begins Jan. 11

The City of Madera Department of Public Works Streets Division personnel will begin the annual leaf cleanup program on Jan. 11.

Leaves from yards should be placed in the green waste container to be picked up by the refuse hauler. All leaves unable to fit in the green waste container should be piled approximately one foot from the curb, allowing enough room in gutters for proper water drainage. Gutters should be clear of bottles, cans, boards, limbs, brush, and rocks, which can cause severe damage to equipment and injury to workers. Please be advised that leaf piles containing these items will not be picked up.

The city will be divided into 10 sections for the cleanup program. The Cleanup Section Map can be found on the City’s website at Leaves will be removed from each of these sections in a clockwise rotation beginning in Section 9. This cycle will be repeated twice. If necessary, residents can request a third round of leaf pickup by contacting the Public Works Department at 661-5466.

The annual leaf cleanup program is a major undertaking that requires a concerted effort from city personnel and residents. City staff sincerely appreciate the assistance of community members in making this program a success. Depending on weather conditions, the cleanup of leaves may require approximately four weeks to complete.


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