A Message from the City of Madera
Dear citizens of Madera ...
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has unfolded, time often feels like it’s slowed to a standstill. Your city council, mayor, and city manager want you to know that the health and wellbeing of our residents is our top priority. We are closely monitoring the ever-evolving situation.
We want to thank each resident for standing strong during this crisis. Madera, like other communities, has undoubtedly taken a powerful hit. Yet here we are, still standing.
Thank you to the healthcare workers, public health officials, emergency responders, professional drivers, the ag industry, teachers, store clerks, restaurant employees, utility and waste service operators, and to our neighbors and friends who have stepped up in major ways during this time of crisis.
To the City of Madera staff, your dedication through this has not gone unnoticed. As a result of your commitment, services have not interrupted. Thank you.
Moving forward, let’s continue to encourage social distancing; please cover your mouth and nose when around others, wash hands frequently, and stay home as often as you can. Though the difficulties we’ve faced are likely far from over, we know that together, we’ll meet any obstacles that lie ahead. Through the character, heart, and commitment demonstrated by our community, we know that this too shall pass. As we continue to move ahead, we say again, thank you, Madera!