Letter: More convenient Post Office box welcome
I want to draw your attention to a problem for me and others with similar issues.
It concerns access to the Post Office.
I am 81 years old with legs that don’t always cooperate, so I walk with a cane.
Because of mailbox theft at my home, I’ve had to replace the large rural mailbox with a key lock mailbox. I don’t always have to go inside the post office, so I drive to the boxes on 6th Street. I have to get out of the car, hobble around and then insert the mail; do the reverse and get back in the car. I’ve had to do this in the rain, heavy winds, extreme heat and have also stumbled.
Why, with a city of this size, can we not have a “drive up” where one can deposit the mail without getting out of the car?
Of course it would be ideal to have this on the Post Office’s premises, but if that’s not possible, surely there is someplace close by?
— Norma Romine,