Nite Lite to light up fairgrounds on Halloween

For The Madera Tribune
The band Crossover is set to perform during the annual Nite Lite event at the Madera District Fairgrounds.
A free, church-sponsored safe and sane Halloween party for youngsters will be presented Wednesday at the Madera District Fairgrounds from 5:30 to 9 p.m.
The event is mostly free, but sponsors say there will be a charge for food at the snack bar inside the roller-slating rink.
The event has operated at the fairgrounds for close to 10 years and is sponsored by the Madera Ministerial Association, whose participating churches include: Believer’s Church, Church of God of Prophecy, Family Worship Center, First Assembly, 4th Street Church of God, Grace Community Church, Glory Of Zion, Harvest Community Church, Madera Avenue Bible Church, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, New Harvest, The Well, Valley West Christian Center, Victory Outreach, West Side Christian Center and Yosemite Christian Center.
Partnering organizations include: Doors of Hope, Love Inc., Madera County Food Bank, Madera High CSF Club, Madera High’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club, Madera High Sports Medicine/ Athletic Training ROP, Madera Police Department and Madera Rescue Mission.
Highlights include: Carnival Style games for children located in Hatfield Hall, interactive games for children through middle school age out on the concourse, candy and tickets given out as children participate. Prizes given out for redeemed tickets. Area for arts and Crafts for children.
THE SKATING RINK will be open throughout the night for roller skating — free of charge as well. Youth Zone for middle school, high school students located in Lumber Town, run by youth pastors of participating churches. Virtual reality gaming, Fortnite tournament, DJ and random games with prizes. Concerts for adults and all ages
Worship teams from churches:
Grupo Rio Jordan — Christian Spanish Band,
Crossover — Christian Contemporary Band.
Music will also be played in Women’s World throughout the night. Food for all
Hot dogs, nachos, chili, drinks, desserts located off Hatfield Hall, Women’s World and Pan Am Booth. Special coffee and dessert area in Lumber Town.
The event costs around $9,000 to put on and finances come from participating churches and individual donations.
Also donating to help make the evening possible: The KraftHeinz Company, Bimbo Bakeries USA, Warnock Food Products, Grocery Outlet, Zak’s Security, Complete Car Care, Hopkins Family, and the Madera District Fairgrounds and their employees.
This night has been a creation of the MMA, and the people that make up the participating congregations, to show Madera the love of Jesus through service and fun. A night that many families feel conflicted about letting their children go door to door and wander the streets of Madera, can be enjoyed from the safety, and well lit atmosphere of one of Madera’s greatest resources — the Madera District Fairgrounds.
More than 200 volunteers serve an hour and a half to five hours to make sure this night is enjoyed by all of our community.
“The sights and sounds of Nite Lite ring in the end of the Harvest season and the beginning of Thanksgiving in our community!” said a news release from the Nite Lite sponsors.
Parking is available on the east side, and the south side in fairgrounds parking. The gates will open at 5:30 p.m.
For information, call 674-8922 or check on Nite Lite on Facebook.