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Some thoughts about the next election coming up, in November

California voters will be able to vote on 12 ballot measures, the biggest probably to be Prop. 6, the repeal of the legislature-passed gas tax. Voters are highly suspect of that tax, because (1) they don’t think the gas taxes they already were paying (some of the highest in the nation) were being properly used and (2) they have no faith that any new taxes will be used any more prudently. The voters don’t think we should invest in transit systems and bicycle lanes. They think we should invest in streets and highways. Period.

Prop. 1 — Affordable housing bond. There is no such thing as “affordable housing.” What it is, is subsidized housing for some people, courtesy of the taxpayers. Those who may enjoy the subsidized housing may vote for it, but those who will do the subsidizing are likely to be a little less ready to do so.

Prop. 9 — Tim Draper’s three-state solution. This would divide California into three states. Give us a break. If there were a stupidity test for ballot measures, Prop. 9’s petitions never would have made it off the printing press. Draper, a billionaire, could afford to pay people part of his fortune to collect signatures. That would be about the only economic activity that wouldn’t suffer from this crazy plan. Unless you want to bring California to a halt, vote No on this.

Prop. 7 — This would give the Legislature permission to permanently establish daylight time. No more changing from daylight to standard and back again. I’ve lived in a permanently standard-time state, and let me tell you, it beats the stuffing out of the two-timing method. That state, Arizona, is standard time year around. Congress ought to make standard time standard nationwide.

There are more ballot measures, but these are the ones that push the hottest buttons.

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