Ex-supervisor says he’ll vote for Moreno
Election season is upon us. The position of district attorney is critically important to the safety and security of all Madera County residents. It is clear to me there is only one real option: Sally Moreno.
Sally is an involved member of her church and our community, seeking to make Madera County better. She is a proven prosecutor and leader.
Sally was born and reared in the San Joaquin Valley. She worked as a police officer for the Los Angeles Police Department and is a decorated Desert Storm Army Military Police veteran. This background gives her an understanding of law enforcement, leadership, and management that no other candidate possesses.
Sally graduated from San Joaquin College of Law, and has been a prosecutor for more than 20 years. Sally’s values are just like yours and mine; she is honest, she has integrity, she is hard working and, she has the experience needed to be our district attorney!
Sally Moreno has my vote,
— Gary Gilbert, retired
Madera County supervisor, District 5
North Fork