Readers saddened by cancer death

Courtesy of Nic Landeros
Madera Coyotes boys soccer coach Nic Landeros, left, and Christian Ramirez sell food at a football game last month.
The Madera Tribune met the following comments online about articles and local happenings.
Cancer death
Many online readers reacted to the death of Madera High School soccer player Christian Ramirez to cancer. Below are a few excerpts.
“Jeanie DeWitt Reece” wrote, “So sorry. Prayers for his family and friends. God bless you.”
“Evelyn Anzaldo Garcia” wrote, “Prayers for his family and friends. It’s hard to lose a loved one. But when you hear of an adolescent that has perished. It’s extremely heart breaking.”
“Yuri Ramirez” wrote, “My brother (Cristian) will forever be the strongest person I’ve ever met.”
“Cynthia Angel Perez” wrote, “My condolences. May God give your family peace during this difficult time.”
“Yuri Ramirez” replied, “Thank you. We really appreciate it.”
Puppy crime
Madera police are searching for a woman caught on video abandoning 10 puppies at a car wash without food and water. An officer took them to the county animal shelter, but not all survived.
“Irmalinda Huerta” wrote, “So mad. Who does she think she is?”
“Kristi Diebert Lakeman” wrote, “This makes me so mad.”
“Cynthia Angel Perez” wrote, “Puppies are hard to deal with. I know. I rescue. Get your animals fixed so you’re not dealing with this in the future.”
Local history
Columnist Bill Coate’s compilation of news from 100 years in Madera County pleased readers.
“Joyce Van Curen Thomas” wrote, “The story about Thomas Desmond was a story about my great grandfather. I knew about the story ever since I was little. A real long time ago.”
“Lee Spotts” wrote, “That was a really fun read.”
An Associated Press article about a surge in homelessness across the West Coast prompted some disagreement. Though it acknowledged addiction and debt as factors, it laid chief blame to rising rent in the state, which in areas surpasses that of New York.
“Franco Gil” wrote, “The assessment is wrong. Most homeless people have or had an addiction problem, which rendered (them) unemployable due to many factors, mainly criminal behavior and mental instability.”
“April Molina” wrote, “Homelessness is different in every county. You cannot generalize what one county has going on. The rise in drugs is certainly a factor and there’s proof of that in Colorado. What I have witnessed firsthand is most like being the way they are and have no ambition to change. That cannot be ‘fixed.’ As for the rising cost of housing? Where there’s a will, there’s a way. People don’t want to work and save anymore.”
Rants and raves
Rave — A letter by Michael Pistoresi on City of Madera management salaries prompted “Cervantes Ivn” to write, “Thank you, Tribune. Hold our public officials accountable.”
Rave — Madera County supervisors recently okayed a $53 million-plus health, social services complex. “Sina Zuniga” wrote, “You guys are finally getting that upgrade they always talked about.”
Rave — Jasmine Gonzales of Madera recently led the Pacific Tigers cross country team in a 7th place finish in the West Coast Conference championships Oct. 27. “Miriam Gonzalez” wrote, “Awesome! We are so proud of her!”
Rave — Madera County District Sheriff Association recently endorsed Sally Moreno for Madera County district attorney. “Cindy Chidlaw Diaz” wrote, “Best person for the job. So glad to see they endorsed the best. We need new blood in all county offices.”
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