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Teen honored for agricultural excellence

Courtesy of Julie Luxon

Deme Marical, winner of Madera South High School’s 2017 DEKALB Agricultural Accomplishment Award.


Madera South High School has presented senior Deme Marical with its 2017 DEKALB Agricultural Accomplishment Award for excellence in academics, leadership and agricultural work experience.

Marical, the daughter of Jennifer and Timothy Marical, has served as the Madera Future Farmers of America president, West Fresno-Madera Sectional vice-president, and has shown horses, turkeys, goats, dairy cattle and sheep.

“Deme is a true leader in our chapter,” said Madera FFA advisor Julie Luxon. “She uses her passions for the agriculture industry and love of FFA to inspire the members she encounters. Through the offices she has held, class taken, teams shes been a part of, and the SAE projects she was worked with Deme has gained knowledge in all that the agriculture department has to offer.” Her name will be recorded on a permanent plaque displayed at MSHS.

The Monsanto Company sponsors the award, which has been given out for 70 years to more than 168,000 high school seniors. Monsanto provides technology and products to assist with farm production and food quality.

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