California Highway Patrol provides car seats for triplets
Donald A. Promnitz/The Madera Tribune Rudth Gutierrez expresses her gratitude towards California Highway Patrol Officer Josh McConnell, who just helped her install three new car seats for her newborn triplets.
The mother of a new set of triplets has received help from the California Highway Patrol in keeping her children safe.
At the CHP’s office at 3051 Airport Dr., Rudth Gutierrez, 25, was given three new carseats, courtesy of Highway Patrol. The seats were provided as a part of the CHP’s California Occupant Restraint Education. The seats were provided with help from the Office of Traffic Safety, the National Traffic Highway Safety Administration and Safe Kids Worldwide.
Already a mother of two, Gutierrez gave birth to triplets Efrain Jr., Luis Jesus, and Esteban Abel Gutierrez, on Dec. 22, 2016. Born prematurely, they are currently being kept at Valley Children’s Hospital until they have grown enough to be brought safely home.
“When they get out, they’re all going to be fitted, and set to have brand new car seats,” said CHP spokesman Officer Josh McConnell. “So they can get home safely, and mom and dad can commute them around in the safest manner possible.”
In addition to providing the seats, Officer McConnell also instructed Gutierrez on how to properly install them into her van.