City leaf cleanup started
Madera’s annual leaf cleanup began Tuesday in the southeast part of the city, according to the Department of Public Works.
Depending on the weather, city staff may need about eight weeks to finish the cleanup.
“The leaf program is a huge task, which requires a major effort on the part of the Street Maintenance Division ... During the past cleanup events, the residents have been very cooperative and patient. The helpful attitude of everyone is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for working with the city crews to make this program a success,” said Bob Mack, operation manager for the city’s streets division.
Leaves will be picked up one section of Madera at a time, with regions prioritized based on past experience, Mack said. It started in section 10 and will continue clockwise through city regions. The route will be repeated and, if needed, an additional pickup may be arranged by calling Public Works at 661-5466.
A map of the city’s 10 sections can be found online at
Leaves from yards should be placed in a home’s green waste container so it can be collected by the city. Leaves that don’t fit in the container should be piled neatly about a foot from the curb to allow room in the gutter to drain rainwater. Gutters should also be clear of bottles, cans, boards, limbs, brush and rocks, which can harm workers and equipment. Leave piles will not be taken if they contain those items.
For information, call 661-5466.