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Wax museum at Lincoln Elementary School to hold its 20-year anniversary

Madera Unified students will hold the school’s 20th annual Wax Museum at 6 p.m. on Thursday at Lincoln Elementary School 650 Liberty Lane.

Lincoln Elementary sixth-grade teacher Felipe Magos, Jr., and students will create “The Living Wax Museum of Ancient Egypt.” Students have researched characters from ancient Egypt and created speeches in order to perform as these characters during the event.

“The Living Wax Museum has been an anticipated school event each successive year,” Magos said, “with younger students waiting for their chance to participate. I am proud that an idea I planted 20 years ago has grown into an amazing experience for my students, our school and our Lincoln community.”

Students will perform for classrooms (during the school day) and the community (during a Thursday night performance) in lavish, Egyptian costumes. Each student’s family designs and creates their individual costume to wear during the performance. It takes the students two months to prepare for their roles.

As visitors walk through the school library, which will be transformed into a maze of chambers (rooms), they will see students in poses as their ancient characters, and will “come to life” by the press of a button to deliver their speeches.

The wax museum annually receives between 800 and 1,000 visitors. After 20 years, more than 700 students have participated in this event.


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