Ben Cederlof
Ben Cederlof is an Alview-Dairyland 4-H member and officer, and the club reporter.
“I think 4-H is amazing because you learn life skills and make lots of friends,” he said. “The projects I do are shooting sports, rabbits, meat goats and engineering automation. My favorite project is meat goats because they are nice and smart. I have been in 4-H for three years.
“I showed rabbits and goats at the Chowchilla and Madera Fairs.”
He said one of the best things about 4-H is that it makes learning fun.
“It is also very satisfying to know you raised an animal and sold it at the 4-H livestock auction. It is so hard to sell an animal that you have created a bond with.
“I went to 4-H camp this year. It was so much fun because we played games and got pranked.
“I swam in Huntington Lake, but water was cold. I even flipped a kayak.
“The messiest thing we did was playing tug of war in the slippery mud. At night, we sang funny songs and did plays. The food was so good there. We ate family style. The people that had the dirtiest table had to clean up the cafeteria.
“Overall, I had an amazing time. You should join 4-H.”