Madera cadets graduate from police academy
After months of physical and mental training, four cadets have graduated the Basic Police Academy to join the Madera Police Department.
They were part of Class No. 139 with the State Center Regional Training Facility at City College in Fresno. They were among 40 cadets to graduate.
At a ceremony Thursday at the Northeast Assembly of God Church in Fresno, Officers Julian Garcia, Elisabeth Huerta, Anthony Martinez, and Scott Roberts were presented with their badges, which were pinned to their uniforms by members of their families.
“Today’s ceremony brings to a close 1,030 hours of law enforcement training,” said State Center Regional Training Facility Coordinator Jim Edison. “These cadets have attended classes in what we call an ‘intensive format,’ from 7:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, for 25 weeks.” ...