Tyler Takeda
Hospital reopening in homestretch
After almost two-and-a-half years since Madera Community Hospital closed its doors, the number of days until it reopens is getting...
Angel L. de Jesus Jr.
Congressman presents $2 million to Madera
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune City of Madera dignitaries happily accept two checks for $1 million each from U.S. Congressman John...
For The Madera Tribune
Property taxes collected
Madera County Treasurer-Tax Collector Tracy Kenney announced that more than $70 million in property tax payments were collected and...
For The Madera Tribune
State approves loan to re-open Madera hospital
SACRAMENTO — The Department of Health Care Access and Information and the California Health Facilities Financing Authority approved...
Angel L. de Jesus Jr.
Supes approve scheduled salary increases
During the regularly scheduled Madera County Board of Supervisors meeting, supervisors recognize the month of April as child abuse...
For The Madera Tribune
City announces plan to adjust utility bill due dates
If you’ve ever found yourself in the winding queue at City Hall, surrounded by fellow Maderans waiting to pay utility bills around the...
For The Madera Tribune
Property tax payment drop box in Oakhurst
The Madera County Tax Collector is continuing to partner with the Madera County Sheriff’s Department to place a tax payment drop box at...
Jim Glynn
Book Talk: Lockhart, ‘We Were Liars’
The Sinclair family is different. It is part of the American oligarchy. The lives of the family members typify “old money,” steeped in...