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Letter: Heap of money, however you look at it

Getting $9.5 million in grant money to bandage the homeless problem. This comes from a HEAP Grant.

What a name; $9.5 million sounds like a heap to me!

Unlike the crow problem, we want these people to stay. This way we can apply for another HEAP of money next year.

Why not do like the crows? Give all the grant money to Fresno and send all the homeless down there on our transit buses. The buses are empty anyway. Homeless gone, problem gone. They could have been housed in the old Athletic Club on Sunset, except someone stole the copper roof!

Soon we will have a bunch of available square footage in downtown, when welfare moves out. Just take the doors off and let the homeless take care of “their space.” Won’t cost a thing.

Contract with Oscar Meyer and Rainbow to drop off at the door everyday, so they won’t starve. Be less than $9.5 million. Two years, and those buildings will be destroyed, But there will be others, cause everybody is moving out. What a mess. Thanks, Madera.

Read a story about downtown Madera being destroyed by fire years ago, but it was a blessing, because they could rebuild.

This will fall on deaf ears, because only a fraction will go to the homeless. Most will go to program administration and counselors. Which solves nothing.

— Bill Hoffrage,


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