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Madera County supervisors updated on mission progress

Madera County staff have updated the Board of Supervisors on progress in six mission priorities set in April in a recent quarterly report.

The operational priorities were set at an annual management workshop and are in line with a newly adopted mission for the county, according to Adrienne Calip, deputy county administrative officer. They are: intergovernmental relations, public safety, water resources, road maintenance, marketing, and tree mortality.

The board will continue to receive quarterly progress updates from staff.

“The goal at the 2018 management workshop will be to develop a long-term strategic plan to best meet county priorities,” said County Administrative Officer Eric Fleming.

Below sums up progress reported in each mission at the board’s regular meeting Oct. 24.

Governmental relations

A joint meeting Sept. 30 between the county and cities of Madera and Chowchilla identified common areas of interest and collaboration opportunities: homelessness, centralized dispatch, regional economic development, and water allocation.

“As a result, a cooperative agreement between the three entities will be brought before each governing body for approval by year end,” said Calip.

The meeting ended with a golf tourney in which the Intergovernmental Coalition donated $300 to Shunammite Place, which offers permanent housing for chronically homeless women with disabilities.

Public safety

Beyond fire mitigation this summer, county fire has focused on buying needed fire equipment (including an engine and two water tenders) and analyzing options for future fire station sites.

The sheriff’s office has created a cadet program, conducted Emergency Medical Service training, equipped patrol vehicles with electronic defibrillators, and outfitted deputies with naloxone antidote.

“Special recognition was given to deputies who patrolled Bass Lake this summer because visitor totals doubled and no injury incidents were reported,” said Calip.

Water resources

A comprehensive long-term water management plan is underway as well as funding requests to assist with well monitoring programs mandated by the state Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.

“The Department of Water and Natural Resources remains engaged with local water agencies to identify projects and water supply opportunities throughout the county,” said Calip.

Road maintenance

“The goal of the Road Maintenance team is to develop a comprehensive county road maintenance plan that includes an evaluation and prioritization policy that will determine the scope and ongoing sequence of road maintenance projects,” said Calip. “This will provide future benefits as funding becomes available.”


Staff proposed the creation of a Public Information Team to transform the county’s image through marketing, branding, community outreach and increased transparency in public relations.

“This team approach to public information sharing utilizes diverse skills, resources and networks and includes financial savings that would not be seen if a traditional Public Information Office approach was taken,” Calip said.

Tree mortality

A Tree Mortality Leadership Committee consisting of local leaders and partners, has worked across agency boundaries to maximize limited resources and opportunities, according to Calip, and has “secured millions of dollars and cut thousands of trees. However, this is minor in comparison to the gravity of the issue.”

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