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Spay-neuter program draws concern

Wendy Alexander/Madera Tribune File Photo

Kirsten Gross, left, director of the Madera County Animal Shelter, and volunteer DJ Becker stand inside the adoption center, which is too small and in need of repair. Animal shelter volunteer Kay Rhoads recently criticized the Madera City Council for letting a low-cost spay/neuter voucher program die.


The Madera Tribune met the following comments online about articles and local happenings.

Animal shelter

Animal shelter volunteer Kay Rhoads recently shamed the Madera City Council for failing to help fund a low-cost spay/neuter voucher program, which ended Oct. 1 after five years.

  • “Timothy Riche” wrote, “Definitely need to listen to her and Bob Barker, if not it will cost a bunch in the future.”

  • “Mike Unger” wrote, “Are there not Red and Nancy (Arnold Foundation) funds available in Madera to help with spay and neuter costs? In addition I understand the city is financially attempting to right the boat and having to shave, not add to there budgetary requirements, with overtime authorized only for public safety. The city simply might not be in a position to assist at this time.”

  • “Cindy Hernandez” replied, “The Red and Nancy Arnold funds have been used up I believe for about a year now. (If the city fails to step in,) it will cost the city more in the long run! This program is also a huge help for seniors who need the help being on fixed incomes not just those who already receive an abundance of public assistance.”

  • “Elisa Gonzales Bilios” wrote, “Those funds were a one-time donation and the last of the monies from the Arnold’s trust. Over 18,000 animals were altered with that money. The city needs to kick down some money. Prevention is better than treatment.”

  • “Mike Unger” wrote in part, “Is anyone privy to the city budget/funds available? Just a question, not wanting to stir up anything...”

  • “Elisa Gonzales Bilios” replied, “Looked at the animal license revenue for the city and it’s pretty pathetic. The county does four times the figure of the city. If all dog owners complied, the animal shelter could be a self sufficient department and offer spay/neuter programs. Since the city wants animal control through (the) police department then they should start citing people.”

  • “Richelle Rodriguez” wrote, “She should be shaming the shelter and director for things too. They’re well known for lying, not following laws, misquoting laws, and a lot more. But unfortunately, although I don’t question that volunteer organizations love for animals and how much they want to help animals, they blindly support the shelter and those in charge. And will even actively help to quiet anyone who tries to speak out about them. So while I fully agree with what she said to the council, she shouldn’t stop there, and should work on helping get the necessary changes and improvements made to the shelter as well, which starts with a few replacement employees.”

Sally Moreno

Area residents commented on a Facebook posting about a recent presentation before a Tea Party group, called the Mountain Area Conservative Forum, in Oakhurst by Madera County district attorney candidate Sally Moreno, who will challenge incumbent David Linn in the 2018 election.

  • “Bill Rothfuss” wrote, “She has my vote.”

  • “Angelique Milam” wrote, “This gives me hope for the future of Madera!”

  • “Bernadette Rodarte” wrote, “Atticus loved her, so she must be a winner.”

Rants and raves

  • Rave — Young Maderans Anthony and Javier Maya recently sold cookies outside of a market and raised $150 to donate to help Mexico earthquake victims. “Tony Cabrera ABC30” wrote, “Awesome seeing kids stepping up to help!”

  • Rave — Madera City Council recently declined to pursue ordinances that would allow local manufacturing or retail sales of recreational marijuana. “Cindy Chidlaw Diaz” wrote, “No pot in Madera County. Period.”

  • Rant — A semi-tractor trailer jackknifed by a stop sign in front of the Fossil Discovery Center of Madera County on Sept. 26. “Dawn Knolles” wrote, “I saw this same truck a couple of hours later on my way home and he wasn’t going slow. Then I’m driving up to a four-way (stop) where I don’t have a stop sign and another truck pulling almond trailers pulls out and takes up the whole road. Da*n lucky I wasn’t doing the speed limit. Had I been doing 55 (mph) we would have met up close.”

  • Rant — On Sept. 25, Madera police arrested three young men — Nazario Munoz, Gerardo Simon and Mario Vasquez — who allegedly vandalized windows of multiple homes with a baseball bat and a BB gun. “Annie Ann De Rio” wrote, “So stupid.”

  • Rant — News of rock falls from El Capitan at Yosemite National Park led “Dale Drozen” to joke, “Must be caused by climate change! At this rate El Cap. will crumble to nothing, in the next billion years!”


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