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Years ago in the week of Jan. 15

25 years ago in the week of Jan. 15, 1992 PARKWAY RESOLUTION DRAWS HEAT — Madera County supervisors want a fiscal breakdown of the cost to develop and maintain the proposed San Joaquin River Parkway. Supervisors Jess Lopez and Gail Hanhart McIntyre said they had not had any presentations from the Parkway Committee on the proposed plan and did not feel they had enough information to pass a resolution. “I’m at a loss. I don’t know what the draft plan says. I have no information except for what I read in the newspapers,” McIntyre said. “The citizens should have the right to vote for what they want, but what are they voting on? The Plan? Do we want a Parkway?” McIntyre asked.

NEW PRISON CONSTRUCTION COULD BEGIN IN SUMMER — Construction of a second 2,000 bed California women’s prison in Madera County may start this summer. The new facility will be a near duplicate of the current prison, according to Department of Corrections spokeswoman, Judith McGillivray. It will have facilities to house a 1,800-bed general population; 100-bed administration segregation facility, and 100-bed special housing facility. The new prison is slated to be constructed on 650 acres north of Avenue 24 across from the current Central California Women’s Facility.

MILLVIEW SCHOOL TO GO YEAR-ROUND — Decisive action by Madera Unified trustees Tuesday set the wheels in motion for Millview Elementary to open as a year-round school in August. Millview Principal Jerry English said the school is well into the planning stage for going year-round. The staff has already made track selections and informational materials have already been printed to be sent out to parents. Although growth has made year-round inevitable throughout the state, English says he favors it over the traditional schedule. Three months of vacation each summer is too long for elementary students, he said.

THOUSANDS AROUND NATION DEMAND PUBLIC HEALTH CARE — Thousand of Americans, encouraged by House Democrats, rose up Tuesday at town meetings across the nation to demand affordable health care. The Democratic forums were held to bolster support for their national health care proposals. The meetings, however, had their critics. “If you want a system with the compassion of the IRS, the efficiency of the post office, and the fiscal responsibility of the Pentagon, vote for national health care,” said Mark Schoemaker in Atlanta. “We’re already taxed to death,” said Howard Baker in Olympia, Washington.

KING SPEAKER SAYS NATION STILL HAS STRIDES TO MAKE — About 250 people crowded into the Millview Community Center on Sunday afternoon to hear stories of a man who had a dream. Keynote speaker Rev. Bruce McAlister highlighted Madera’s annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with his speech, “Peace in a time of Trouble.” McAlister also pointed to the sagging economy. “I know President Bush means well,” he said. “I know he wants to bring peace to the Arabs and Israelis; I know he wants to bail out the Soviet republics; but President Bush, we need you to bail us out,” McAlister intoned.

50 years ago in the week of Jan. 15, 1967 LOCAL MARINE, WOUNDED IN VIETNAM, GETS HERO’S MEDAL — A Maderan severely wounded in Vietnam has received a Bronze Star for “uncommon courage” in battle. Cpl. Raymond C. Lopez, 23, received the award for guiding his men through dense jungle and heavy hostile fire to flank a machine gun. Although suffering a painful hip wound, Lopez managed to throw a grenade into the enemy position. “His bold example inspired his comrades to silence the gun.” Lopez is expected to be discharged from the Marine Corps with the rank of sergeant when he is able to leave the hospital. He enlisted in the service when he was 17 years old while attending Madera High School.

MAYOR’S MOTHER DIES — Mrs. Vera E. Stephenson, long-time Madera resident and mother of Madera Mayor D.R. Stephenson died suddenly in Dearborn Hospital Monday. Mrs. Stephenson succumbed to a brief illness at the age of 85. She was born in Borden in 1881 and spent her entire life in Madera County. She was married to the late Durward Stephenson in 1900. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church and of the Home Sewing Club. In addition to her son, she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Fay Frederick of Madera. Funeral services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Thursday at Jay Chapel.

MUSD OUT OF MONEY; CAN’T BORROW FROM COUNTY — Madera Unified School District board of education got the word Thursday night that it can’t borrow money from the county next year if it runs out of money. A county counsel’s opinion states that the county is obligated to loan money to school districts only if it has enough money to do so, and the county auditor reports that it won’t have enough. The probable course of action for the school district if it goes in the red would be to arrange with a downtown bank to hold warrants after accounts are overdrawn and present them later as notes for payment with interest when funds become available.

LOCAL BARBER TO SEEK SCHOOL BOARD POSITION — Frank Ferrarese, Madera barbershop owner and operator, announced today that he will seek election to the Madera Unified School District Board of Education. The candidate, 47, is a life-time Madera resident, a graduate of Madera High School, and of the Moler Barber College in Fresno. He is a veteran of World War II, serving in the Air Corps. He has been in the barbering business in Madera for 25 years. His community activities include membership in the John Adams and Thomas Jefferson Junior High School PTAs, the Elks Club, and presidency of the National League in Little League baseball.

SUPERVISORS CHARGE BANK TAKES MONEY FROM RETARDED — The Board of Supervisors accused the Fresno Bank of America of “taking money away from mentally retarded children.” The supervisors protested a bill for $3,100 submitted by the bank to cover the cost of administering the estate of the late North Fork Judge Marcia Putney. The amount is reported to be the county’s share of the cost of processing the estate, which included the bequest of Mrs. Putney’s 80-acre ranch and house for the benefit of mentally retarded children. Use of the property for such a purpose has been discussed throughout.

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