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Ode to Leon Emo, writer

(Written immediately upon reading of Leon’s death) Leon Emo has passed away. I didn’t expect him to die yesterday. Why, this morning I read, “Mo’s Musings” Just like I do every Saturday. I enjoyed his column week after week. He always wrote tongue-in-cheek. Leon was Madera’s greatest character. He was Madera’s greatest wit. He was admired and respected. And his column read because of it. He visited my classroom at Mountain Vista one year And spoke to the students about his career. Leon was a teacher. Leon was “cool.” I know my first choice to name Madera’s next school! When he published his novel, I purchased three. I cherish the dedication he wrote to me. Madera has lost a beloved son, Known and loved by everyone. I’ll miss the hat and I’ll miss the shorts, But, most of all, I’ll miss the desert guide who wore them. When I think of Leon Emo, I think of Mark Twain, And other great American writers before them. Brian Donald O’Donovan, MA Teacher - 4th Grade - Room 7 Dixieland School - M.U.S.D.


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